Transitioning to a gluten-free lifestyle

Transitioning to a gluten-free lifestyle can be motivated by several factors. Individuals with celiac disease must avoid gluten to prevent intestinal damage, while those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity experience symptoms like bloating and fatigue. Some individuals with wheat allergies choose to eliminate gluten-containing foods to avoid allergic reactions, and others find that reducing gluten helps alleviate digestive issues or manage autoimmune conditions. The diet may also be pursued to reduce inflammation, support weight management, optimize overall health, or as a personal choice.

Transitioning to a gluten-free lifestyle, however, can be challenging and confusing. Most people are worried about feeling deprived, while others simply don’t know how to replace their favourite foods with gluten-free alternatives without compromising the quality of their life or social interactions.

Good news is that with proper education and knowledge of what foods to eat and how to combine them, you can live a very satisfying life with zero gluten in your diet. Once you give your body what it needs and nourish it on the cellular level, you will have no cravings or a need for gluten at all. And the best news of all, is that you can do this with just regular foods you buy in the produce isles. No need to buy expensive, preservative-packed products.

What you will get from this coaching session

In just one 60-minute consultation, you will get all the information, tools, and resources you need for you to know how to transition to a gluten free lifestyle. You will get:
  • List of foods to eat to nourish your body without gluten
  • Information that explains gluten side effects
  • How to properly combine foods to maximize your body’s ability to produce energy without consuming gluten
  • Individualized meal program to help you with your gluten elimination goals
  • Individualized transition plan to meet you where you are and to take you where you need to be
  • Sample 7-day meal plan to give you an idea of how your food intake should look like
  • Resources that help track your nutrient consumption and quantity

What to expect after the coaching session

  • Two weeks of direct support following the coaching session
  • Free monthly newsletter with recipes and more
  • Access to a private health group for daily support
  • 25% off on all recipe books

10 Benefits of a Gluten-free Lifestyle

  • Improved Digestive Symptoms

    People with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity often experience relief from digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea when following a gluten-free diet (Pietzak, 2012).

  • Reduced Intestinal Damage

    For individuals with celiac disease, adhering to a strict gluten-free diet helps prevent further damage to the small intestine (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2021).

  • Relief from Skin Conditions

    Some individuals with dermatitis herpetiformis, a skin manifestation of celiac disease, may experience improvement in skin symptoms by avoiding gluten (Pietzak, 2012).

  • Resolution of Gluten-Related Brain Fog

    Certain individuals with gluten ataxia or gluten-related neurological conditions may see improvements in cognitive function and clarity by eliminating gluten from their diet (Hadjivassiliou et al., 2010).

  • Increased Energy Levels

    People with gluten-related conditions who eliminate gluten from their diet may report having more energy and reduced fatigue (Pietzak, 2012).

  • Enhanced Nutrient Absorption

    For individuals with celiac disease, eliminating gluten allows for better absorption of essential nutrients, which may lead to improved overall nutritional status (Husby et al., 2012).

  • Weight Management Support

    Some individuals find that eliminating gluten-containing processed foods can aid in weight management efforts (Lebwohl et al., 2017).

  • Relief from Joint Pain

    In some cases, individuals with gluten sensitivity or autoimmune conditions associated with gluten may experience a reduction in joint pain and inflammation (Golley et al., 2014).

  • Improved Mental Health

    Certain individuals with gluten ataxia or gluten-related neurological conditions may see improvements in cognitive function and clarity by eliminating gluten from their diet (Hadjivassiliou et al., 2010).

  • Personalized Health Approach

    For individuals who have identified specific gluten-related conditions, a gluten-free lifestyle provides a necessary dietary intervention tailored to their unique health needs.

Gluten-free lifestyle myths

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misconception out there about a gluten-free lifestyle. Many people are confused and just not aware of all the options they really have when it comes to living a gluten-free lifestyle.
  • You will be deprived on a gluten-free lifestyle.

    Depending on why you want to eliminate gluten from your lifestyle, some individuals feel that they also need to eliminate other foods like potatoes or even fruit. This is absolutely unnecessary. On the gluten-free protocols you will get as part of this coaching session, we add a lot of potatoes, squashes, yucca, and fruits and give the body everything it needs to feel satisfied.

  • You will not get enough fibre on a gluten free lifestyle.

    This is simply not true. Gluten free protocols provided with this coaching session will give you all the fibre you need and more.

  • It will be hard for you to socialize or attend gatherings when you are gluten-free.

    Social gatherings are all about building relationships and socializing. It’s unfortunate our society associates social activities with food. Nonetheless, there is plenty of options you will have at virtually any social gathering once you know what to eat and how to properly combine food on a gluten-free lifestyle.

  • Gluten-free lifestyle is harmful to the body.

    Gluten-free protocols provided as part of this coaching session are packed with fresh foods that have no additives. We will teach you what to eat and how to feel satisfied without spending money on expensive, preservative-packed products that yes, can be harmful to the body.

Gluten-free product market statistics

  • The global market for gluten-free products has experienced significant growth in recent years. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global gluten-free product market size was valued at USD 21.61 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 32.39 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.9% during the forecast period (Grand View Research, 2020).

These statistics are mind blowing. There is a good reason why those numbers are so high. Unfortunately, most gluten free products are not only expensive, but they are also packed with several not-so-healthy additives that have a potential of causing other allergic reactions or sensitives. The best way to transition to a gluten-free lifestyle is by consuming products that are 100% free from additives and are made from one ingredient.