How to consume enough protein on a vegan lifestyle

I am yet to meet a person who isn’t concerned about getting enough protein on a vegan lifestyle. After all, proteins play a crucial role in various aspects of our lives, serving as the building blocks of cells and tissues, facilitating chemical reactions, and regulating body functions. They are involved in muscle development, immune system function, hormone production, and the transportation of molecules in our body. Proteins also contribute to the structure and function of enzymes, antibodies, and many other vital components. According to the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, proteins are essential for the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues, and they are involved in virtually every biological process. They are necessary for our overall health and well-being.

The minute I tell someone I am a plant-based vegan, I am immediately asked how I get enough protein and where I get if from. As a rock climber and an athlete, I still get enough protein to build and sustain muscle as well as support my overall health and well-being. It is easier than you think! Let me guide you!

What you will get from this coaching session

In just one 60-minute consultation, you will get all the information, tools, and resources you need for you to know how to get enough protein on a vegan lifestyle. You will get:
  • Information that explains how protein is produced in our body
  • How to properly combine foods to maximize your body’s ability to produce protein
  • Individualized meal program to help you with your protein intake goals
  • Individualized transition plan to meet you where you are and to take you where you need to be
  • Sample 7-day meal plan to give you an idea of how your food intake should look like
  • Resources that help track your protein consumption and quantity

What to expect after the coaching session

  • Two weeks of direct support following the coaching session
  • Free monthly newsletter with recipes and more
  • Access to a private health group for daily support
  • 25% off on all recipe books

Protein Myths

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there about every aspect of protein consumption, production, and origination. And the biggest shocker for most people is to learn that effectively we do not get protein from food, protein is produced in our own body.

  • We get protein from food we eat.

    Contrary to popular belief, protein is produced in our own body using amino acids as building blocks. Protein does not come directly from the food we consume straight into our cells.

  • Animal products are the only good source of protein.

    I think everyone by now knows this is simply not true, but I still feel the need to mention it here. Animal products are not the only good source of protein. There’s an abundance of plant-based protein sources that are much cleaner and easier for our bodies to assimilate.

Protein supplementation market statistics

  • The global protein supplement market was valued at approximately $18.91 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $31.08 billion by 2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.3% during the forecast period. (Source: Grand View Research).
  • The demand for protein supplements is driven by various factors such as increasing health and fitness awareness, growing adoption of vegetarian and vegan diets, and rising interest in sports nutrition and bodybuilding. (Source: Transparency Market Research).
  • The global protein shake market was valued at approximately $8.4 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $13.2 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 6.8% during the forecast period. (Source: Research and Markets).

These statistics are mind blowing. What if I told you that you can get enough protein from a clean, plant-based diet without having to spend thousands of dollars on protein supplements that end up harming your health in the end! Most protein supplements and powders have at least one additive that is hard for the liver to digest and cleanse out of your body.